Navigating Speech and Language Milestones - Birth to One Year

For new parents and caregivers, the first year of a child's life is a whirlwind of developmental milestones. While we often focus on physical growth and motor skills, a child's speech and language development is equally crucial. But how do you identify these key milestones, and what should you do if you feel your child is not meeting these milestones as they should? In this article, we will explore  the essential speech milestones in the first year and how pediatric speech teletherapy can be your ally in navigating any potential challenges.

1. Birth to 3 Months

Reacting to Sounds: Babies will startle in response to sudden loud noises. They should also start to recognize your voice and calm down when hearing familiar sounds.

2. 4 to 6 Months

Babbling Begins: Babies will start to babble and make a wider variety of sounds, and make sounds for a variety of emotions (e.g. when happy and upset)..

3. 7 to 9 Months

Stringing Sounds Together: Around this age, babies will begin to string sounds together in a sing-song manner, like 'dadada' or 'bababa', although they might not associate them with meanings yet.

4. 10 to 12 Months

First Words and Imitation: As they approach their first birthday, babies might say their first word, whether it's 'mama', 'dada', or another favorite item. They will also try to imitate sounds and gestures (e.g. waving ‘bye’).

When to Seek Help

If you notice your child is not reaching these milestones or shows signs of a speech delay, it's essential to seek the advice of a pediatric speech therapist near you. Early intervention speech therapy can address concerns promptly, setting your child on the path to more effective communication.

How TeamUp Therapy Can Help

In today's digital age, getting expert help is more convenient than ever. TeamUp Therapy specializes in virtual speech therapy for kids, making it easier for parents and caregivers to access quality care from the comfort of their home. Here's what we offer:

Online Speech Therapy for Kids: No need for long commutes or adjusting your schedule. Our Georgia speech clinic offers teletherapy  sessions tailored to your child's needs.

Specialized Care: Our speech-language pathologists have expertise in early intervention speech therapy. Your child is in the best hands!

Convenience & Compassion: Our focus is not just on providing effective therapy but also ensuring a compassionate and convenient experience for both the child and the caregivers.

The first year of your child's life is monumental in terms of speech and language development. By being aware of the key milestones and seeking assistance when needed, you help ensure that your child has the foundation they need to communicate effectively.

If you've found yourself searching for a "child speech therapist near me" or are considering online speech therapy for kids, look no further. TeamUp Therapy is committed to providing the highest level of care and support through our telehealth speech therapy services. With a focus on early intervention, we're here to guide your child's speech journey.

Your child's speech and language development are of great importance. Don't wait to address any concerns. Contact TeamUp Therapy today for a consultation or to learn more about how our specialized telehealth services can make a difference in your child's life.


The Importance of Early Intervention in Pediatric Speech Therapy


Unlocking the Advantages of Speech Therapy through Telehealth with TeamUp Therapy